Hello there,
as promised: here is the first part of my report about the animal shelter in Turkey I worked in during my autumn vacation.There will be more soon, because there's so much to tell...
I called it "When Nature's Children Cry", because just the day after I arrived a puppy died and 4 of his 5 siblings followed him on his way to heaven during the following 24 hours.
Why they died? Well, some freaking idiots abandoned them in a cartboard box in a forest when they were only 4-5 days old...without their mother. They still had their eyes closed and fit into one hand. They were so innocent and helpless and it broke my heart not being able to do more for them than give love, food and medical aid. Only one out of the 6 puppies survived, but she is alright now and almost 4 weeks old. Her name is Shania (native American for"I'm on my way")and it was one of the best moments in my life when she finally opened her eyes and looked at me and I knew that she would make it through.
In the pictures you can see a part of the huge animal shelter. The dogs are all well there. They get food, medical care and love as far as this is possible with ca. 40 dogs. Usually only Angelika, who owns the animal shelter, cares for all the dogs, but fortunately she sometimes gets help by friends and visitors. I'm going to introduce some of the cute dogs in the next part.
Hallo ihr Lieben,
hier ist wie versprochen der Anfang des Berichts über meine Zeit in der Auffangstation für Straßenhunde in der Türkei, in der ich in meinen Herbstferien gearbeitet habe. Es wird noch viele weitere dieser Berichte zwischendurch geben, einfach weil es so viel zu erzählen gibt.

Durch die Bildern kriegt ihr einen kleinen Einblick in die Auffangstation, aber es folgen noch mehr. Die Hunde die dort landen haben wahnsinnig viel Glück und ihnen geht es total gut dort, aber eine eigene Familie und ein richtiges Zuhause kann es nicht ersetzen. Sie bekommen alles was sie brauchen, Futter, Wasser, medizinische Versorgung und Liebe... soweit das eben geht mit ca. 40 Hunden. Normalerweise schmeißt Angelika, der die Auffangstation gehört, den Laden fast alleine. Allerdings bekommt sie zum Glück oft Hilfe von Freunden und Besuchern. Im nächsten Post werde ich euch ein paar der Hunde vorstellen, auch um das Gerücht vom Tisch zu fegen, dass Straßenhunde krank, hässlich, alt und aggressiv sind. Nichts davon stimmt.
q^q Baby goggies... I hope I can come with you guys next year <3
AntwortenLöschenI hope so too.<3
AntwortenLöschenThey are so kind and just want to be loved, although humans were the one who treated them like shit.
I miss them so much, every single one of them, even Muffin :D