Hello there,
as one can tell from the headline and the pictures I had a creative break out yesterday night, or better said today early(very early) in the morning. Slowly it's getting a "DIOR 2011 FACES"-Collection on my door, haha. No, but seriously, I forgot to paint that one, although it's my favourite of them all... I Hope you like it.
Then I found something my brother gave me ages ago for Christmas and I used it to sketch the cape I want to create. Ink& quill are such good drawing tools, I love the ink-effect. Concerning the cape: Yesterday I already orderen tons of black and haematite bugle beads to apply on the cape when it is sewed.
Nice work!
AntwortenLöschenMir gefällt vorallendingen, wie beim ersten das Hellblau von kräftiger zu schwächer verläuft (wenn du verstehst, was ich sagen will XD)
Well done!