Hello there,
as you can read, I am not dead, HURRAY!

I haven't been blogging for a few days and I am having a bad conscious about that. The reason for that was that I had so many things I wanted to blog about, but hadn't had any of them finished yet, shame on me. I sewed a lot and started a new "project" to support the doggies in Side(I already told you about that, remember?). I just sewed a prototype of my new shoulder pieces. You can put them on whatever top you like, because they are connected to two safty pins. I have various ideas of shoulder pieces(shoulder pads), but realizes only this one so far. There will be a smaller shooting with all of them anyway...
I hope you like it! I'd be very very happy, if you let a comment on it below...
I bought two pairs of wedges from Great Britain and hopefully, they'll be here in Germany soon. I'm, sooooo looking forward to show them to you!!
Hüüüüpsch!! <3
Ist das Samt open?
Es sieht echt voll toll aus! :DD
Und Glückwunsch zu den Schuhen! xD
Ich kann es gar nicht abwarten, bis zu sie mal anhast. C:
Danke Jenniii :D
AntwortenLöschenNein, das ist Organza ganz speziell behandelt ^^
Ich werde sie sofort anziehen, wenn sie da sind :D
Coole Sache, Janine :D
AntwortenLöschenFreue mich irgendwie auf deine Shoes...